Page name: Heavens Hell [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-03 21:04:46
Last author: Earoluim
Owner: Earoluim
# of watchers: 17
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Heavens Hell

Welcome to the war of the ages.Where there is no longer a neutral and the forces of good and evil have teamed together to stop the greatest plauge of the centuries.

The Powers of 3

In the day in age of the Modern world , ages of old and new collide.The forces that hold the earth in place are in ruin.Neutral, once the gaurdian of the powers now lays in infection.The purest of evils is the cause and effect. The powers of Good And Evil are intertwined to each other . Without one the other can not exist . They have joined forces to correct the impurity of the red.Here are the accounts of the greatest Battle of the Ages.

Now it Is time for you to decide the force you will choose to fight for.


The Power of 1
White Alliance

The Power of 2
Black Alliance

The Power of 3
Red Alliance

Ancient Power


Rouge Ships

Chapter 1

The Age

Chapter 2

Scorging of souls

Chapter 3 Begins

Capter 3: Soulforges

Battle grounds of Kar estan

Maps of Gracen

Other worlds of reach

Heavens Hell chat This is the chat page, please bring all nonsensical conversation here. Thanks.

Character Scorging:This is your character's entrance into the world.

Charcter Races:What you can and can't be.

Armory and Inventory: What you character can start with.

pre-made characters

Visit this site please.Azlyn's Fans
this sight needs visiting please .Black Is As Innocent As white

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2004-08-02 [Earoluim]: if you would like to join talk to [Earoluim]

2004-08-02 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: exactly wat id this wiki about?

2004-08-02 [dark dimension]: im confused

2004-08-02 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: how so

2004-08-02 [Earoluim]: just an rpg for the modern day warrior Neutralality has been corrupted and the forces opf good and evil join to fix the problem.Just guns n blades rpg of the modern world .

2004-08-02 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: well mayb i shouldt join then

2004-08-02 [Earoluim]: whynot

2004-08-02 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: cause its for warriors and im not a warrior

2004-08-02 [Earoluim]: you don't have to be a warrior to join.

2004-08-02 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: well, then what would i do

2004-08-02 [Earoluim]: what would would yoou like to do

2004-08-02 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: i dunno know, what am i suppose to do?

2004-08-02 [Earoluim]: anything you would like such as a healer or sorts

2004-08-02 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: a healer whats a healer

2004-08-02 [Earoluim]: some one who heals people with magic and or medicine

2004-08-02 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: um ok

2004-08-02 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: Name of Character User:Gem

2004-08-03 [Saba Nyx]: ok help me out dude im new lol

2004-08-03 [Earoluim]: ok there are 3 alliances choose 1

2004-08-03 [Earoluim]: after u read the top

2004-08-03 [Saba Nyx]: ok give me a few mins then

2004-08-03 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: hey jake, what reliance thingy r u?

2004-08-03 [Morganath]: hey gunlouc how goes it?

2004-08-03 [Earoluim]: black ,good reaper join both of you speacial spots wait for you

2004-08-03 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: i like black, its such a cool color

2004-08-03 [Earoluim]: indeed

2004-08-04 [Araglas]: hi i am like the only other person on the white alliance,i'm so alone

2004-08-04 [Evil Faerie Feline]: not anymore

2004-08-04 [Araglas]: cool im not alone

2004-08-04 [Evil Faerie Feline]: nope

2004-08-04 [forrest]: may I join?

2004-08-04 [Araglas]: yes any one may join , just edit the alliance (red, white,black)

2004-08-04 [forrest]: what's the password?

2004-08-04 [Araglas]: hell

2004-08-05 [Morganath]: aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

2004-08-05 [Evil Faerie Feline]: lol

2004-08-05 [Morganath]: hello what side ye be on?

2004-08-05 [Evil Faerie Feline]: white

2004-08-05 [Morganath]: me on black :) if i understand though isnit the red that is bad or something?

2004-08-05 [Evil Faerie Feline]: yeah they dont fight for good OR evil they just fight

2004-08-05 [Morganath]: okay every book i read the color red is neutral but it came from gunlouc's imagination.

2004-08-05 [Evil Faerie Feline]: yeah it says something about it going into chaos

2004-08-05 [Morganath]: well thats cool i guess

2004-08-05 [Evil Faerie Feline]: dont worry im confused to

2004-08-05 [Morganath]: hhmmm i think everyone but gunlouc is confused.

2004-08-05 [VorpalBlade910]: *raises hand* i'm confused

2004-08-05 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: im realy confused, well, mayb not really

2004-08-05 [Araglas]: hi!

2004-08-06 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: hello

2004-08-06 [Araglas]: hi i'm gunloucs younger brother but i gotta go,sorry

2004-08-06 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: why r u apologizing, besides i have to go too

2004-08-06 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: good bye

2004-08-07 [Earoluim]: neutral was corrupted by a true evil more so then the their is no balance between the 3 now the b/w must fix the imbalance.

2004-08-07 [nights_mistress]: i will fight for what's mine. the nerve of the neutral!

2004-08-07 [nights_mistress]: lol

2004-08-07 [forrest]: um... still confused. i'll just be red cause i like chaos.

2004-08-07 [Araglas]: okay do you know the word to edit the page/

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: no more red people its full

2004-08-08 [Saba Nyx]: help me !!!! im lost

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: im here now

2004-08-08 [Saba Nyx]: k thanks lol

2004-08-08 [Saba Nyx]: hmm i can pick anything i want as long as it makes sense or do you have guidelines like Fantasma ?

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: just look at the other bios and follow them

2004-08-08 [Saba Nyx]: ok i think i can do that lol

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: evil is fun!!!!mwahahahahaha!!!!!

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: boo

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: *falls out of tree* thud!

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: and your suppose to be true evil  lol.

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: innocence makes a nice disguise. * stands up perfectly unharmed* like my acting skills?

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: true evil needs no disguise for it nows none nor needs it

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: if u look in the face of evil and do not recognize it then u are truly damned

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: if the evil is stonger than me i stare if not i give it a good look and go about.I respect all evil or not everything gets my recognition.

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: your way of thinking is very strange.

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: evryone says that but to me it is simple

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: i have alterior motives for all i do. it makes things interesting. i have yet to figure myself out.

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: my mind is not my oen yet either but i have figured most of it out

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: i'm just brgining.

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: oh i was being serious

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: so was i. i was just doing a really bad job of typing.

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: k

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: ....

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: lol

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: i didn't do it!!!

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: LLLLOOOOOLLLL

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: *shifty eyes*

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: Dont shift the wrong way please

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: not that again. i'll be careful with my shifty eyes.

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: sorry bout that i do it with everybody

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: i'm sure

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: im being honest

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: i believe u.

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: thankyou

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: i get i ship!!!!mwahahahahaha!!!!

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: my ships cool i also have a bike

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: a bike?

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: look under the first picture in rouge ships

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: i will.

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: i like it.

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: i do too

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: i can see why. i went from talking to 6 ppl to one. it's okay because ur awesome. don't tlet it get to your head.

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: im not small minded thankyou

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: i never called u small minded.

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: but letting something go to my mind is lol i was jking

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: i'm half asleep give me some credit.

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: crdeit you deserve and credit you get

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: yay!

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: yep look in the rougues and check out your team if you already havent

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: i shall have to meet [Kiss of the vampyr] and [Araglas]

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: i cheaked it out about 30 seconds before u wrote that.

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: cool the rpg will open soon

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: when?

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: whithin the week

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: i'm only at my mom's until monday. if u need help starting it, i'm a writer.

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: help good but not the problem just have to notify people

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: if u need help...

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: just tell your team to watch the chapter one linkpage

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: okay i will. night

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: nighters

2004-08-08 [nights_mistress]: night *yawns*

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: nighters

2004-08-08 [_Dark_Fairy_]: hi gunlouc...

2004-08-08 [Earoluim]: hey how are you

2004-08-08 [_Dark_Fairy_]: good do i join the wiki...

2004-08-09 [nights_mistress]: i am well rested and very much in a good mood. ur safe for the time being.

2004-08-09 [Earoluim]: lol

2004-08-09 [nights_mistress]: what wine is good! *hicups*

2004-08-09 [Earoluim]: got to go lol bye

2004-08-09 [nights_mistress]: fine leave me then.

2004-08-09 [Earoluim]: walks away

2004-08-12 [Morganath]: hrep

2004-08-12 [Araglas]: hi

2004-08-12 [Morganath]: hello what side ye on?

2004-08-12 [Araglas]: the side of light

2004-08-12 [Morganath]: aahhh we allied me dark hhaahhaaa

2004-08-12 [Araglas]: lol

2004-08-12 [Morganath]: lol darkness come to me mmmuuuwwwaaa\\

2004-08-12 [Araglas]: i call the light to me-light pours from the sky illuminating everything-

2004-08-12 [Morganath]: now we will destroy the red ;)


2004-08-12 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: wat, well mayb i want to b on the red!

2004-08-12 [Araglas]: sorry but [Earoluim] said no more red

2004-08-12 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: well i was just kidding n e ways

2004-08-12 [Araglas]: ok lol so how r u?

2004-08-12 [Morganath]: hey ya gem ye on the dark side aren't ye?

2004-08-12 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: well not exactly

2004-08-12 [Araglas]: ????

2004-08-13 [nights_mistress]: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!*twitch*

2004-08-13 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: uh ok

2004-08-13 [nights_mistress]: lol i just got out of physio i'm allowed to be happy!!!!

2004-08-13 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: wow, well im still in clinically insane, and the insane instutue for the insane

2004-08-13 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: and lost insanity lol

2004-08-13 [nights_mistress]: physiotherapy...

2004-08-13 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: hmmm, how did that work out 4 u?

2004-08-13 [nights_mistress]: i'm sore and debating weather or not i should let him try acupuncture.

2004-08-13 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: well acupuncture works most of the time, but u have to keep getting it in order 4 it to keep working

2004-08-13 [nights_mistress]: noooooo!!!!

2004-08-13 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: well it hurts i thnk, but i dont know, and i dont plan on ever getting it so, its up to you

2004-08-13 [nights_mistress]: yep. *shrugs* if it works i think i can suffer through being a human pin cusion.

2004-08-13 [nights_mistress]: ur on gunlouc's ship aren't u?

2004-08-13 [Gemini of the Black Rose]: well needles dont scare me, but i wouldnt want to be poked with like 30 of them

2004-08-13 [nights_mistress]: i feel pretty much the same way.

2004-08-13 [Araglas]: HI!!!!

2004-08-14 [eyes of frost]: -wanders in and takes to the rafters playing with snick and snack-

2004-08-14 [Earoluim]: There are no rafters, here at least. Go to your alliance for your rafter.

2004-08-14 [eyes of frost]: fine...fine...-wanders out-

2004-08-14 [Predenica]: The three roses come together again in the darkest of times.

2004-08-14 [Earoluim]: lol good but this was before the roses this was why they were formed

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